Our Aim For Academic Partnerships
- Build capacity of academic partners
- Visiting professors/academic staff provide input into the capacity building programme (one-week modular courses at the centre)
- Faculty Outreach and exchange and exposure
- Student exchange to use labs and facilities
- Joint research and publication, solving developmental problems
The core regional academic partners include:
- National Water Resources Institute (Nigeria)
- University of Benin (Nigeria),
- University of Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar, Senegal
Our Aim For Industrial Partnerships
- Industry Guest lecturersβ input into capacity building and training
- Enroll staff of partners in MSc programmes
- Run short courses for continuing professional development
- Industrial Outreach/ internships programme (for students and staff )
- Joint research, solving developmental problems, and publication
The core national partners with budgets are grouped into three:
- Ghana Academic partners (University of Education β Mampong Environmental Health and Sanitation, and University of Cape Coast β Water and Sanitation Department),
- Industry partners in the environmental sanitation sector (MMDAs/Kumasi Waste Management Department), and other private sector companies,
- Industry Partners in the water sector include the Water Resources Commission, Ghana Water Company Limited (GWCL), Community Water and Sanitation Agency (CWSA), Irrigation Development Authority, Water Research Institute of CSIR, Environmental Protection Agency.